What to Include in a Basic Cosplay Repair Kit « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!

2023-02-15 16:11:57 By : Ms. Anita xin

In this “Ask Adam” segment on Tested, Adam Savage is asked a number of great questions. He’s asked what he includes in a Cosplay Repair Kit when he brings costumes to conventions. Here’s the list he rattles off:

1. Hot glue gun and sticks 2. CA glue 3. 5-minute epoxy 4. Cloth tape, paper tape, and electrical tape 5. X-acto knife and single-edge razor blade 6. Hand saw 7. string, parachute cord, and bailing wire 8. Safety pins 9. Paints to “hide crimes” 10. Self-stick 11. Velcro

And he always brings pencils and a sketchbook.

Of course, as he points out, your kit should be costume specific, so for instance, if it was a costume with a lot of on-board electronics, you’d want to bring the tools and materials to address potential issues there.

He is also asked about mistakes to avoid when getting into sewing and has some great words of wisdom to share.

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